QR Code Osclass Plugin

QR Code Osclass Plugin
Click image for Gallery
  • Производитель: Osclass
  • Код товара: 1091-01
  • Доступность: На складе
  • 45.94 €

Цены для групп клиентов:

Developer: 5.94 €

Simple and useful extension of Osclass that generate and display QR code with the URL of listing. When listing has QR code on its page, it is very easy to share it with other people just using QR code.

For proper functionality PHP server must have GD extension enabled, so plugin can generate QR code images.

What is QR code?

A QR code, or Quick Response code, is type of matrix barcode - 2 dimensional bar code. It was first designed in 1994 for automotive industry in Japan and is machine readable optical label that contains information about item, product or website to witch it is attached/linked.

Category Messaging and Communication

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