Email Reminder Osclass Plugin
- Производитель: Osclass
- Код товара: 1104-01
- Доступность: На складе
- 713.99 €
Цены для групп клиентов:
Developer: 0.00 €Reminder plugin for Osclass helps to set alerts to remind users on different events related to their listings, accounts or features.
Engage your customers with reminders
Plugin engage your users to work with your classifieds and perform different actions. There are 16 helpful reminder not just for users, but for site admin as well.
Customers reminders
13 email reminders are available for customers.
New active listing published
When new listing is published and it has been validated, email reminder is sent after XY days from publish date. Reminder can contain promotional information to feature listings or provide additional information how to reach more customers, or simply push customer to share listing on social networks.
New listing published that is pending validation by customer
Remind listing owner that item that has been published by him, is still pending validation (activation email). Email is triggered XY days from publish date. Purpose of this reminder is simply let publisher know there is some action pending from him.
Listing is about expiration
Notify listing owner that one of its listing will expire soon and provide options to republish this item (or similar action to keep customer engaged). Email is triggered based on expiration date of listing, XY days before listing will expire. Purpose of this reminder is to make sure that user knows there will be its item expiring soon.
New listing has been published without pictures
Remind listing owner that item published recently has no images and describe benefits of uploading images to listing (these items sells much faster than ones without pictures). Email is triggered based on publish date, XY days after publish. Purpose is to force user update its listing to upload some pictures to it.
New listing has been published with short description
Inform listing owner that item published recently has shorter description than is usual. Listings with long and complete description sells faster those ones with just brief summary. Email is triggered based on publish date, XY days after publish. Purpose of this reminder is to force user update listing and add more content to your site.
User account is pending validation
Remind user that account he has registered recently is still inactive and just pending activation (validation). Activation link is also attached to this mail for comfort. Notication is triggered based on registration date, after XY days from registration if account is still inactive. Pupose of this reminder is make sure customer is not blocked from using its account and publishing on your site and that is aware account is pending validation and maybe original mail with activation link arrived to spam folder.
User has not logged in to account for some time
Remind customer that he has not logged in to your site for several days/week and maybe provide some extra credit or voucher to increase customer engagement on your classifieds. Email is triggered based on last access date, XY days after last login. Purpose of this mail is simply get customer back on your site and get extra content by publishing some new listings.
New user has registered
Contact user several days after activation and provide additional info about your classifieds (some guides, promotional options like membership etc). Email is triggered based on user registration date, XY days after registration and is sent only to users those has active account.
Listing promotion is about expiration
Remind user that promotion on its listing is close to expiration and try to renew these promotion options or get new on item. Email is triggered XY days before expiration of promotion, based on expiration date of promotion. Purpose of this reminder is to force customer extend promotion options and get extra money from promotion options. Require Osclass Pay Plugin.
User membership in group is about expiration
Remind user that membership in one of premium groups is close to expiration. Provide details about benefits of being member in your groups. Email is triggered based on expiration date in group, XY days before expiration. Purpose of reminder is to monetize user groups and get extra money. Require Osclass Pay Plugin.
Unread message for several days
Remind user that there is unread message in messenger from other users related to its listing (or listing user was interested in). Email is triggered based on message sent date, XY days after it was delivered. Purpose of notification is simply alert user about unread message (maybe he forgot already). Require Instant Messenger Plugin.
invoice available
Remind customer about invoice that has been generated in its account few days ago. Notification is triggered based on creation date of invoice, XY days after creation date. Purpose of notification is simply to remind user about invoice available in account. Require Invoice Plugin.
Pending offer on listing
Remind customer about offer created by other users on its listing, that is pending validation by customer. Email is triggered XY days after offer submission date, based on this date. Purpose of this notification is to alert user about pending offer request on its listing and increase user engagement.
Admin reminders
Plugin provides 3 email reminder types to alert admins.
Comment pending validation
Remind administrator that there is comment pending admin validation. Email is triggered based on comment publish date, XY days after publishing comment. Purpose of notification is to alert admin about pending comment validation.
Bank transfer pending validation
Remind administrator about bank transfer pending confirmation. Email is triggered based on bank transfer date, XY days after this date. Purpose of this email is to remind admin to check its bank account and confirm or cancel pending bank transfer operation. Require Osclass Pay Plugin.
Admin regular statistics summary
Send regular statistics to administrator with information about its classifieds, how it is doing, how much new listings, users or comments are there, compare it to previous period etc.
Admin can select one or more frequencies. It is possible to get daily, weekly and montly summaries at same time:
- Daily
- Weekly
- Monthly
Besides frequency, admin can choose also content of email - what kind of information is he interested in and i.e. drop comments data out of statistics mail.
- Listing data
- Comments data
- User data
- Ban rules
- Offers data (Make offer plugin)
- Forums data (Forums plugin)
- Invoices data (Invoice plugin)
Email logs
Especially with emails, it is very important to be able to check what and when email reminders were issue and what was its content. Plugin stores all details about mail sent and can auto-purge these logs after defined number of months.
Search capability are essential and it is possible to search for email log based on all its attributes.
How reminders are triggered
Plugin is strongly dependent on CRON, make sure your daily and hourly crons are setup properly. It is required to have mail account setup correctly.
Each time plugin check if there are new reminders to be sent, timestamp of this action is stored and 2 same notifications are never sent to customer (even not by mistake). Once plugin is installed, last check is set to current timestamp to avoid sending old unrelevant notifications.
There is also possibility to delay mail sending function in order to align with mail client limits in your hosting provider.
Customize reminder emails
What is cool about this plugin is, that each reminder comes with own email template and set of keywords.
You can completely customize content of these reminders, put there own text or images, own promotional materials etc.
Using email templates, all reminders can be translated to any language from backoffice.
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