Automatic Language Selector Free Plugin

Automatic Language Selector Free Plugin
Click image for Gallery
  • Производитель: Osclass
  • Код товара: 1232-01
  • Доступность: На складе
  • 95.99 €

Цены для групп клиентов:

Developer: 0.00 €

Osclass extension that automatically select user's preferred language and change osclass language to new one.

Language selector for classifieds

Automatic Language Selector Plugin is very simple and intuitive, but for classifieds operating in several countries with multiple locales, this is essential plugin.

Plugin does not contain translations or configuration page.

How it works:

  • customer visits your classifieds for first time

  • plugin detect most preferred language from browser

  • plugin search & itterate over osclass languages if same language exists

  • if does not exists exact match (like en_US), plugin search on particular match (like "en" only)

  • this action is stored into cookies, so such check is not made every time customer visits your classifieds

If customer change language after automatic selection, this change will not be affected by plugin, as identification of most preferred language is made only on first visit.

If you would like to test this plugin properly, use incognito mode (each time restart it) and look into cookies for variables:

  • algLangBrowser - contains list of locales set in browser. First one is used by plugin.

  • algLangChecked - set to true, as identification that plugin already did its job.

  • algLangSelected - language that was chosen by plugin. Set to "--" if no matching language found.

Plugin use cookies, therefore you should have cookie warning active on your site.

Category Social and Authentication

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