Cache Osclass Plugin

Cache Osclass Plugin
Click image for Gallery
  • Производитель: Osclass
  • Код товара: 1133-01
  • Доступность: На складе
  • 725.99 €

Цены для групп клиентов:

Developer: 0.00 €

Cache plugin for Osclass Classifieds generates static html files from your dynamic Osclass website. Basically without plugin when any page is rendered, php and mysql are used and osclass executes all required functions and queries to render website. This require server RAM and CPU and decrease performance of Osclass (more plugins and listings are active, slower performance is). If many users come to a website, server uses lots of RAM and CPU so page is rendered so slowly and it leads to bad performance and user experience. To avoid this scenario, it is required to use a cache system not to render page again and again, but just once and then reuse html output for other visitors.

Osclass Cache to improve osclass speed

Using cache you improve load speed of your osclass that leads to better evaluation of your website in terms of SEO as search engines likes fast websites. Better SEO means more visitors and that leads to higher income from your web.

Cache plugin is designed to create cache for following pages

  • home

  • search (all combination of search parameters)

  • item / listing (each listing separately)

  • contact

  • static pages (content)

  • register / login

Additional plugin features

  • caching for logged in users - require more space as files for each user has to be generated separately

  • refresh/renewal interval of cache - automatically recreate cache when it has expired it's life cycle

  • clear cache after XY days - to remove old unused cache and leverage space on server

  • compress cache files - to reduce space on server required (must be tested if supported by hosting)

Cache is recreated after many actions, like new listing published, new comment added/edited and more to avoid showing old content to visitors.

This is only functional cache plugin for osclass, hope you enjoy it!

Category Backoffice

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